Shape Up: Stop Running in Circles and Ship Work that Matters

Shape Up: Stop Running in Circles and Ship Work that Matters - Leadership Books
  • Ryan Singer
  • 2017-09-19
  • 978-0996031419
  • Product Management

is a book that provides a new approach to product management that is designed to help teams ship more work faster.

The book is divided into four parts:

Part 1: The Shape Up Process
This part of the book introduces the Shape Up process, which is a six-week cycle for shipping work. The Shape Up process consists of three phases: shaping, betting, and building.

Part 2: Shaping
Shaping is the process of defining the work that will be done in the next six-week cycle. This involves working with stakeholders to identify the most important problems to solve and the most valuable features to build.

Part 3: Betting
Once the work has been shaped, the team bets on how much work they can realistically complete in the next six-week cycle. This helps to ensure that the team is focused on the most important work and that they are not overcommitting themselves.

Part 4: Building
Once the team has bet on the work, they begin building it. The goal is to ship as much work as possible in the next six-week cycle.

One of the key takeaways from the book is that the Shape Up process is designed to help teams focus on shipping work that matters. The process forces teams to be realistic about how much work they can complete and to prioritize the most important work.

Another key takeaway is that the Shape Up process is designed to be flexible. The process can be adapted to fit the needs of any team and any project.

Shape Up is a valuable resource for any product manager who wants to learn how to ship more work faster.

Here are some specific tips from the book:

Define clear goals for each six-week cycle. What do you want to achieve by the end of the cycle?
Break down the work into small, manageable tasks.
Estimate how long each task will take to complete.
Prioritize the most important tasks.
Set realistic goals for how much work you can complete in each six-week cycle.
Be flexible and adaptable. The Shape Up process can be adapted to fit the needs of any team and any project.